Friday Finds #45: Spring Inspiration and a Noom Update

Who’s itching to get out in the garden and start planting flowers? I know I am, and I bet you are, too! Do you feel like your soul starts singing this time of year as the earth comes back to life? Maybe not, if you live in Florida or somewhere south. But for us northerners suffering from cabin fever, we can’t wait to get outside an enjoy the warm breezes and sunshine!

Rustic Garden Wagon Filled with Flowers

We’ve had a good stretch of weather this week and I’m truly happy for that because I’ve been able to get outside to go for a run or a walk. I prefer outdoor exercise and since I’m still following the Noom program to lose a little weight, exercise becomes even more important.

I promised to give updates on my Noom diet journey – although I prefer to call it a healthy nutrition journey. So far I’m consistently losing one pound a week. I wish it were more than that so I wouldn’t have to be so patient waiting for the extra pounds to drop. But slower weight loss is better and longer-lasting than a rapid weight loss so I’m trying to remain content.

Noom not only gives you recommended daily calories and activities, but it also educates you on a psychological level to understand why you eat the way you do, what triggers you to binge-eat, and how to control it. I’ve learned a lot so far. I always thought weight loss is a simple equation of calories in versus calories out. But it’s more than that. Sleep, hydration, and stress all play a role in the journey.

I’m confident I’m going to reach my weight loss goal by August, and I’m confident I’ll keep the weight off from all that I’m learning on this somewhat challenging journey. I haven’t really felt hungry on the program and my cravings for salty and sweet foods have definitely dwindled.

Okay – enough about diet and exercise. Let’s get on with this week’s Friday Finds!

Last week I talked about painted floors, but what I really want to share is this adorable Nantucket cottage that has painted floors. I think you’re going to love every square inch of it!

Have you ever come across vintage corbels in an antique store or at the flea market? Sarah Richardson shares how to decorate with corbels – so if you ever stumble across a pair and wonder what you’d do with them, she’ll help give you ideas!

My friend Amanda at Sincerely Marie Designs recently shared her beautiful living room all dressed for spring. She sure is one talented young lady!

Have you heard of Janne Ford? She’s a very talented English floral photographer and you’ll love the breathtaking spring blooms she photographed. She definitely shares my love of flowers! I’ll be visiting her blog often!

Since starting Noom I’ve learned I should eat pistachios from time to time. Just so happens, I came across this pistachio muffin recipe that looks absolutely amazing and is a treat I can indulge in from time to time. I might just tweak it a bit, however. Stay tuned for that!

Enjoy your weekend, friends! I hope you find some time to get outdoors for a walk, a bit of gardening, or enjoying an iced tea on the porch!!

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  1. The Nantucket cottage was great. I like the before and after 😁. I wonder why there’s a sink in the bedroom.

  2. Noom sounds like it’s working out for you. It’s harder to find that balance as we get older (not old!..Lol)…the less detailed the better for me. I was a runner/jogger for years but as I got older it hurt my knees and my belly never seemed to get any flatter..ha!! I do still jog on my treadmill for 2 miles 5 days a week and after much weight lifting and many squats I found 2 DVD’s that have helped so much that I would have never thought that since I wasn’t lifting heavy weights or sweating bullets they would work but funny thing is they do. If you want to know and think you’d like working just let me know. They are so easy too. I too like being outdoors whenever possible. Once you get these moves down you can do them anywhere..even when you travel! We cruise and the space in the gyms or even in our cabin work well. As long as it fits your life, it’s the right choice. Time to care for ourselves is important. Good thing.
    Love the corbels!! The blue ones are so unique! One day I’ll get my house finished but now I’m getting prepped to pot yet another rose I bought. Last year I tried to pot 2 but I now realize they need to be by themselves in a large pot with great drainage set in full sun. I planted the last ones in the landscape beds in full sun and they took off. I see beautiful potted ones draping over the pot and I get that bug to try again. So here goes. Planting 2 Jude the Obscures soon and I can’t wait to see how they do. I’ve always seen Eden roses on an arbor or up the house wall. Maybe one day I’ll have a place to try that. I love the flower posts. I take notes when others speak about their gardens. I’ve been trying to do as much as I can without jumping in too fast as a frost is likely again until May, after Mother’s Day. Sadly.

  3. Love the corbels and all the rest so much to see and I appreciate the time you take for posting these posts. Oh yes and that cute cottage, thanks.

  4. Hi Jennifer, I love the picture of the little flower cart. It reminded me of a similar one parked out in front of The Blue Willow, a little gift shop, and favorite haunt of mine, when we visit Door County, Wi. Thank you for posting about decorating with corbels. I have a couple in the basement that are going to be relocated as a console table in my living room, very soon now! I absolutely love anything Sara Richardson! I so miss her show on HGTV. Good luck with your Noom program. It certainly sounds like you’re crushing it! Looking forward to another great post next week.