Belles Fleurs

Beautiful flowers and quotes to enjoy as you anticipate spring’s arrival …

“I hope to someday meet God because I want to thank Him for the flowers.”
~ Robert Brault
“I’d rather have roses on my tables than diamonds on my neck.”
~ Emma Goldman
“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places
in our hearts well out of proportion to their size”
~ Gertrude S. Wister
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
~ Lady Bird Johnson
“True friendship is like a rose. We don’t realize its beauty until it fades.”
~ Evelyn Loeb
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”
~ Gerard de Nerval
“In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friend.”
~ Kozuko Okakura
More Flower Photos Here
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  1. Gosh what beautiful flowers, I came across your blog through Savvy Southern style. I paint large canvases of flowers. You might be interested in my work so if you go to my blog, look at my “paintings” page.

    My favourite flowers are Peonies which sadly don’t grow in Auckland, New Zealand, although we get them in the florist shops from the South Island briefly in November each year.

    Do you have any Peony photos?


  2. Oh my goodness! Beautiful flowers and pictures! 🙂 This post would be perfect to share for Fresh-Cut Friday. I hope you will consider joining in. 🙂


  3. Lovely , just lovely ! Love the quotes under each photo. I not only love flowers , I have a thing for quotes too 🙂
    Following you now , if you have time to visit that would be wonderful ang if you would like to follow , that would make me even happier:)
    P.S. i found you via Fresh Cut Friday

  4. What a beautiful arrangement that you created. With pink roses, and bright white allströmeria and a bit of blue. This akominjerat with great white. Is it a chrysanthemum? A bouquet to fall in love in. I wish you a wonderful weekend! Zinnias