An Afternoon at Primrose Farm

Here in the suburbs of Chicago, the farm to table movement is gaining in popularity. This also means that more people are interested in learning about farm life and we have a few working farms in the area that are open to the public. Primrose Farm is just a 10-minute drive from our house and we had the pleasure of taking the grands there last weekend.

The Primrose Farmhouse in Kane County, IllinoisAn iconic farmhouse awaits your arrival as the tire swing hangs in patience waiting for some action.


Tire Swing at Primrose FarmIt didn’t take too much coaxing for the kids to enjoy a swing on the tire.


Fun on a Tire SwingSeeing how much fun they were having makes me want to hang a tire swing in our yard.


Belgian Horse at Primrose FarmThe Belgian horses trotted right over to us and let the kids tirelessly pet them.


Belgian Horse at Working FarmThis beats playing video games any day!


Belgian Horse at Primrose FarmSuch a beautiful creature!


The Hen House at Primrose FarmWe heard the roosters crowing and had to go take a look.


Hen House at Primrose FarmThe hen house has a charming shabby chic vibe goin’ on.


Hens and RoostersI don’t know which I enjoyed more.

See the animals or watching the kids’ reactions to the animals.


Cows Coming Home to EatThe cows were out in the field when we arrived, but lucky for us the farmer corralled them.


Watching the Cows Eat at Primrose Farm in Kane County, IllinoisWe headed inside the barn at Primrose Farm to get a closer look.


Cow Barn at Primrose Farm in St. Charles, IllinoisI love that the farm lets you get so close to the animals.

It was a great experience for these two suburbanites.


Baby Cow at Primrose FarmThis precious face pretty much sums up why I’m a vegetarian. So cute!


Farmhouse at Primrose Farm in Kane County, IllinoisThere’s so much to do down on the farm! I just love it out here with the fresh air and gentle breezes.

If you’re interested in visiting the farm, you can learn more about it on the Primrose Farm website.


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  1. How wonderful to have something like that close so your kids could experience a different way of life. Love photo of them with the horses and cows. Good for adults to experience things like that also.
    How I love to see the animals and farms. We moved from San Diego area to MT on 20 acres in 1992. Talk about a culture shock, lol. We’d been exposed to farms before. Hubs grew up on farm in OK. When we lived in Cleveland, where I was born, we went out to aunts and uncles farms quite often. My favorite Aunt had a big old house with acres of farm between. Cousin on other end. My Mother’s family all tended the garden for fresh produce every summer. All of them canned of course. My aunt whose house it was made fresh bread almost every day. When we moved to Tucson, Az I sure missed all that besides family.
    We moved to Tucson for my brothers health, he had asthma very badly. Must have been so hard for my Mother whose family it was to leave them all. My Dad’s parents lived in PA. Since we lived in MT we’ve lived out in country, Ky on 1 1/2 acres and 1/2 acre here west of Grand Junction, CO. I love the peace and quiet, no noise besides trains going by which are about block away. Never bothers us, even at night in summer. Have a great weekend, going back to Primrose farm anytime soon?

  2. What a great old fashioned farm that is. It reminds me of my uncle’s farm a bit. It’s also such a great experience for children to actually see a farm, the animals and all the works it takes to get the food to the table. I’m thankful we live in the country but I wish my grandsons did as well, instead of a huge city. Thanks for sharing this sweet farm with us.

  3. What a wonderful idea to let your grandkids experience a working farm first hand. I grew up between a chicken and a pig farm, you could always tell which direction the wind was blowing that’s for sure. lol

  4. Loved this post and all your photos of your adorable family. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. My mom and dad both grew up on beautiful farms. My Mom is from a 1st generation homesteader family from ND. They had a 36,000 acre wheat farm and then my Dad grew up in KY on a 10,000 acre tobacco farm. All the grandkids spent summers in ND feeding the cows and waiting for the combines to come harvest the wheat. 🙂 Such an amazing experience searching for Indian heads in the fields at the base of a Butte and meeting Norwegian farmer families who homesteaded right along with my grandparent’s parents. Your wonderful Post brought all those great memories back. Thank you!!! My grandpa just passed away at 94 last year… An amazing man and life. I look forward to reading more of your incredible life! 🙂

  5. What a wonderful experience for your grandchildren. Too many children live in cities and don’t really get to see farm animals or where our food actually comes from. We have “Open Farm Day” here in Canada, I believe this coming weekend, where various farms open to the public to show what is going on. It’s really a great program. We live in the country and enjoy it, smells included (most of the time!). Pam

  6. Hi there, my name is David Boggs. I’m contacting you with regard to using the initial image of the farmhouse on the cover of a book I’m in the process of publishing. Would this be possible? The book is a novel based on me growing up in a farm and is a sweet story. Thank you for your kind consideration. David Boggs. [email protected]. 415-716-6039.