Friday Finds #38: February Fun Facts

Did you know that the month of February was added to the calendar in 700 B.C.? The name of the month is derived from the Latin “februo” which means “purification rites.”

Yellow Primrose in Handled Basket

Thousands of years ago people performed purification rituals during the Roman festival “Lupercalia” during this month, earning it the name “februarius.” February was added to the calendar along with January, and was the last month of the year at the time. These two months were added to line up with the lunar year. They were later moved to the beginning of the calendar by Julius Caesar, in order to align the calendar with the solar season.

Primrose, the flower shown in the basket above, is the flower of February and one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. It blooms in a variety of colors. February’s birthstone is the beautiful purple amethyst. And the two Zodiac signs of the month are Aquarius and Pisces. February is also Black History Month and the month that features Cupid’s holiday, Valentine’s Day. And then there’s Ground Hog Day and the Super Bowl.

On a personal note, February is a big birthday month in my family. My dad was born in February as were both my daughters. My birthday is also in February. So even though it’s winter, there are bright spots in the shortest month of the year.

And now – on with my list of Friday Finds for the week!

Do you like the idea of mixing patterns in your home but are maybe a little timid on how to go about it? Get rid of your fear with these tips for mixing patterns.

If you’re thinking about sprucing up your home’s exteriors, check out this list of ideas from Better Homes and Gardens for improving your curb appeal.

Do you have kitty cats? I love these 11 cat craft ideas that are sure to please your furry friends. I like the DIY feather toy and the window perch.

My blogging friend Liz Marie features a beautiful home that had me swooning from the first photo all the way through the tour.

Have you heard of friluftsliv (pronounced free-loofts-liv)? It’s the Norwegian concept of open-air living and encourages outdoor adventures in all weather – including winter! It’s a great concept for living. Check out the #friluftsliv hashtag on Instagram to see what it’s all about.

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  1. Thanks for all the info on February. Interesting. Yesterday was my birthday. Strange times but, I had a really great day regardless. I had lots of phone calls, messages, and birthday wishes on Facebook. Wishing you a Happy February birthday!

  2. Happy birthday! And thanks for all the links. I love that Stoffer home and have Pinned that one photo of the bedroom with the fantastic ceiling from Chris Loves Julia. I’m so glad that wallpaper is back. I grew up with wallpaper. My mother and aunt could paper a bedroom in record time.

  3. You always teach us so much. Thank you for the info on February. My husband has a February birthday, as well. That little white house with the green door in the curb side appeal article — ADORABLE! Happy Birthday, Jennifer, and have a great weekend. We have five inches of snow here,

  4. Thanks for this post, loved all the picks and I pray you have a wonderfully Happy Birthday! My son was born in February.

  5. Have a wonderful Happy Birthday ! I also have my brother who is in February as well. I love all the posts and thank you.