Little French Transfer Crate

My find of the week was a small, unfinished crate. Raw wood, “plain pipe racks” as mi madre would say. It looked at me in the Goodwill store and said, “You know you want me!” So for fifty cents I made it mine. I failed to take a “before” shot but you’ve seen these plain crates all over creation. Mine now wears Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Louis Blue.

The Louis Blue paint then got a coat of whitewash, which I rubbed off.
I added a French transfer from The Graphics Fairy at each end of the crate.
Three small, Ball Mason jars are tucked inside the crate and adorned with crochet ribbon.
The ribbon was part of a lace packet from the Thrift Saver store (99 cents for the entire packet of lace).
A small graphic was added to each side. I’ve been trying to master the graphic transfer process.
I tried a couple times with no luck. The image was either blurred or too much of it rubbed off.
This one is purposely distressed.
This Grains image was printed in reverse. Then I applied a thin coat of Mod Podge and stuck it on.
Be careful not to move the image after placing it on the object.
Holding it still, rub out any air bubbles. Let it dry completely!
I had previously (and incorrectly) followed instructions that said to remove it within a minute or two.
Then I found a couple blog sites that said to let the Mod Podge dry completely.
Some said to let it sit overnight but I found a couple hours was plenty enough drying time.
Wet the paper slightly, and rub the paper off gently. Kind of like removing wallpaper.
The image will remain … and I was thrilled it finally worked for me!
I sanded the Grains image a bit to age it. I also sanded parts of the box so it looked used.
Now that I’ve finally mastered image transfers, I’ve got several other projects I want to do.
Another thrifty treasure is this garden pot I found at the flea market for one dollar.
I stuffed it full with hydrangeas from my yard. I’m all about free flowers!
In fact, I think flowers from the garden lend a country cottage affect to arrangements.
The cone flowers are also from the yard. They’re native, low-maintenance flowers and spread quickly.
You can easily fill in a bare spot of the garden with these in a short period of time.
Then divide them and transplant them in another bare corner … or share them with a neighbor.
Time to bring these pretties inside to enjoy for several days.
Every time I walk past them it lifts my spirits.

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  1. I adore your finds. Especially the crate. I think your transfers look amazing. I may have to try it now that I have little time to play.

  2. Love it. Congrats that the image transfer worked! I have had SO much trouble with image transfer projects I had to stop trying for a while, I got so frustrated! Now I’ll have to try your method. So, you Mod Podge it on and then wet and peel it off after it dries? (I’m guessing a regular copy from my printer will work?) I have to say that I’ve never heard of this one, I’m eager to try it. Your flowers and box are beautiful.


  3. Jennifer, Great tutorial and a really pretty result. Your frency box looks lovely filled with cone flower and hydrangeas! Summery!

    Your project would be perfect to share at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS, my new weekly linky party! It is live every Wednesday evening at 8:00. Come on over and join in!

  4. I love the transfer on the crate, it looks cute and very nice in the garden with all the flowers. I really really love your work, you are like inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Hi, Jennifer!
    The crate turned out great!
    Oh, tell me about it, with the transfer methods… I use the old “trace on top of a transfer paper” arggghhh method…
    I am going to try another method soon and post about it. Just printing in a “low saturation paper and burnish it. To see if it works. I wonder if buying that machine that makes stencils is less work??? Making the stencils and then painting with it?

  6. Tricky little Transfers!! Your crate turned out adorable and I love bringing flowers from the Garden in too!!

    Have a Great Day!

    Huggs, Nancy

  7. Jennifer,

    Just found your blog and love this crate! I have had really good results with the Citra-Solv transfer method. When I peel the paper off, it is like magic 🙂 I have yet to try the Annie Sloan paint, but it is on my list. Just added you to my blog-reading list.


  8. Your crate turned out wonderfully, Jennifer! Love the color and the transfers look great. I haven’t gotten that method down yet myself, but I will try again. The jars with the flowers fit perfectly inside it. It looks so pretty and I’ll bet it’s a good size to use in many different spots.

  9. This crate turned out so pretty! I love the images on the Graphics Fairy too and I keep saying I’m going to give this technique a try again. I’ve not had great results in the past, but have learned that the Mod Podge has to be completely dry before continuing.

  10. Okay I just found this from your round-up post through Happy Hour and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I want to rush to the craft store right now and get supplies to make something similar! So cute and functional!

  11. Thanks for this post. Love so many of the Graphics Fairy images…clicked the link you had but it’s not on the page it went to. Do you have the proper name for it so I can do a search for it? Your box turned out beautifully and thanks for the tips on applying transfers…haven’t tried one yet but saving graphics to my files as I find them. Love that little pot you found…and for $1.00!!! No such bargains here at the thrift stores … they all seem to think that only people with a lot of money will be shopping at their stores…Goodwill and Salvation Army should be ashamed of themselves.

    I was under the impression that your part of the country through the East were already experiencing fall weather…but you seem to have the same kind of weather we have here in the Central Valley of which Bakersfield, CA Kern County has. I get so tired of such a long hot and often humid summer days and nights as I am 73 yrs old and the heat gets worse for me each year. Then our winters are no longer “real” winters as when I was a young girl…they are warmer (drat global warming).

    Anyhoo, thanks again for your post(s).