Stunning Seaside Home Tour, Cottage Décor + More: Friday Finds
This is the time of year when you can drive home from work and it’s no longer dark outside. It might be dark by the time you get home, but at least there’s hope of longer days. March 18th marks the first day that the sun will set at 7:00 pm here in the Chicago area. It’s the day after St. Patrick’s holiday and coincidentally, it’s also the date of my mother’s birthday. She would’ve been 97 years old. I still have frequent dreams of her even though she passed nine years ago.
I think when we dream of loved ones who are gone, it’s our subconscious way of keeping them alive. I frequently dream of my father, too. Do any of you have fairly vivid dreams of those who are gone?
Changing the subject now to home and garden ideas, today’s collection of Friday Finds is especially inspiring to me and I hope you feel the same when you visit some of these treasures!
Today we’re starting with a beyond beautiful seaside home in Chatham, Massachusetts. This is one of those home tours where I had to scroll through the photos a few times to take in all the captivating details.
Do you love English gardens? See how to add a charming English gate to your garden or yard.
Enjoy a collection of cottage kitchens in a variety of colors. If you’re looking to transform an all-white kitchen, you’ll find great inspiration here.
If you don’t yet follow my sister blog, Pond and Garden, be sure to check out my latest post over there about dainty sweet pea flowers. It’s time to bring this old-fashioned flower back into the garden!
Melissa, who blogs at The Inspired Room, is giving her living room a refresh for 2025. See what she’s done so far, and the questions she still needs to answer.
I, too, lost my mother 9 years ago, at the age of 90. She was a pistol! And I miss her every day!!
I enjoyed ALL of your postings today! It’s really special that you shared regarding sweet peas. When I was growing up, each Spring my dad would allow us to pick a packet of seeds to plant. I would ALWAYS pick sweet peas; and each year they would NEVER GROW PAST SPROUTING. 😢 But I never gave up trying. That was in the 60s and we lived in Zone 9! I never soaked my seeds, planted them in uncomposted, warm soil and in the Spring! Poor little things never had a chance! Times (and cultivars!) have changed and your post prompts me to try again…….In the FALL!!! 😉😂❤️
Are the paint colors for the Chatham House available? It is gorgeous!
What a wonderful post! The shades of blue used in the home in Chatham, and how they decorated with those blues, was gorgeous. And that stove! The pictures of those romantic looking gates was fun. The cottage kitchens were so colorful but done so tastefully. And the unusual stoves and refrigerators were fun to see.
This was fun content and I enjoyed all the pretty rooms and the colors they each had. Thanks and have a great weekend.
Wow. When I looked at the seaside cottage site, I was able to check out the other homes done by that designer. Amazing! Also, I never really thought about my fenced in yard’s gates…what I could do to them to make them much prettier and interesting.
I love sweet peas but never had much luck with them, so thanks for the info.