A Wintry Walk Down Pouley Road

Come for a walk with me, won’t you? It’s frosty outside and we’ll hear the comforting crunch
of snow under our feet as we stroll down historic Pouley Road.
Thanks for strolling down historic Pouley Road with me.
Let’s head inside and warm our tootsies by the fire, shall we?


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  1. What beautiful scenery! I really enjoyed each one of these photos. Frosty or not, I’d take a walk down that road any day! Thanks for sharing them. Have a great week! Pamela

  2. Such beautiful pictures…I LOVE the brick house! I also wanted to to let you know that I’m having my first giveaway, I’d love you to stop by & enter for a chance to win a My Memories digital scrapbooking software. Thanks!

  3. Ummmm,
    how do I not know about this road?? So beautiful, I’m going to check this out soon. Thanks so much for sharing. Stop by my blog soon!

  4. Beautiful photos, and a lovely journey that didn’t freeze me! Although your photos “take me there”, I didn’t have to venture out and get cold. I remember living in snow country – somehow, I might have been able to endure it better if I had been more interested in photography at the time! Might have been able to view it with different eyes! Have a great day!

  5. wow, you need to join in on “friday fences” several of these photos would be just perfect. love the photos. i love snow & the photos that look so quiet. check my blog for the link for “friday fences”. (: elizardbreathspeaks.blogspot.com/

  6. What a peaceful walk and beautiful scenery except for the encroaching “suburb”. Where do you live? I miss the snow down here and need to get back North.
    OMG…I just saw your post about Geneva…I used to live in St. Charles and my in-laws had a shop in Geneva…had my prom at Baker Hotel, (went to school with the granddaughter), prom at Dunham Woods…I cant’ believe it!!! Small world! That was back in the day…I’m a lot older than you! We MUST chat! LOL!

  7. Welcome to Barn Charm! =)

    What a nice virtual walk & the snow really adds to the beauty! I loved the views along the way, esp the wood gate in the 5th shot. Is that looking out over a frozen lake w/ the houses dotted along the far shore in the 13th photo? Beautiful neighborhood! Is that a barn in the 1st image? I like how you framed the last shot!

    Thanks so much for joining this week’s Barn Charm =)

  8. Magical walk your photos are divine. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I’m now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit me sometime follow back if you like. I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012

    Always Wendy

  9. Those pics look like beautiful postcards! I wish we had snow like that instead of rain in our forcast. That snow covered road with the long stretch of fence is just magical looking.

  10. Wow, Jennifer! All of your photos look like they could be Christmas cards! What a gorgeous area you live in, girlie! Where is it? I think I want to live there. lol! Thanks so much for thinking of us on your walk! 🙂

    xoxo laurie

  11. Incredible images! Thanks so much for sharing. I would actually love to visit wherever that is, just to see the beauty for myself. It looks so different from here.

    Glad you like my wing chairs! Do come again.


  12. Gorgeous Photos! I’m in awe of all the snow. Normally we have feet upon feet of the stuff but this year only a few dustings. I’m missing it.

  13. I’m visiting from Katherine’s Corner’s Blog Hop. I enjoyed these photos. I was kind of an imaginary snow walk since I’m down for day six of the flu. I enjoyed the pictures a lot. Have a great day!

  14. How refreshing…AND beautiful, Jennifer! The ONLY time I really like winter is when there is snow on the ground. Then I can justify the cold. 😉

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday this week. I love having you join the fun.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  15. Popping in from Cedar Hill Ranch. No snow here in TX, and I’m glad of it. Don’t think I could live where it snows all the time. 😉 Is pretty though.
    Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing the winter beauty. ~ Sarah

  16. Oh I love these photos; they’re really well done. There’s no snow for me here in NorCali, so it’s fun to see such wintry shots! Enjoy the week.

  17. These pictures are stunning and the houses and barns are just beautiful against the snowy backdrop. I hope you don’t mind…I shared this on my very new FB page for Lakeshore Cottage Living. You have a great eye!

  18. I envy the snow you have. I wanted some but it didn’t happen much for us here.
    Love all of your pictures and want to live in every place posted.
    Glad I found your blog.