An Historic Stone House, a Sunny Kitchen + More: Friday Finds

Inspiration and beauty is everywhere you look, and my goal is to provide a bit of that for you here on the blog. For me, my mood is enhanced when I’m surrounded by pretty things, whether it’s a blooming cherry tree, a gentle river, a living room with favorite artwork, or a kitchen stocked with pretty dishes. Even a simple flower arrangement with blooms plucked from the wild can make a difference in mood. I think it’s why most of us enjoy nesting and improving our living spaces, both indoors and out. Friday Finds is all about enhancing every day life. I hope you enjoy what’s in store for today.

old stone house

Let’s start with this beautiful, historic stone house that was eventually connected to existing outbuildings on the property. The Hudson valley home is unique, warm, and inviting.

Next, enjoy a sunny yellow kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room that helped update a century-old Victorian home. Before photos are included!

And speaking of bathrooms, check out these six bathroom ideas for upgrading a basic builder’s bathroom. They’re all easy to do and can make a big difference!

Are you on Instagram? If yes, consider following Magical Manor for gorgeous home inspiration. Nate and Amber share their mission of customizing their standard builder-grade Texas home and I have to say, the results are amazing! You won’t be disappointed.

Planning a summer vacation? My family is returning to Door County, Wisconsin this year, but North Carolina is on my bucket list, too. I’ve been there for a work trip but would love to explore it further. My mother loved NC and toyed with retiring there, but it never happened. Here’s a list of the cutest towns in North Carolina to visit.

St. Paddy’s Day isn’t too far away and this Irish vegetable soup sounds like the perfect comfort food to make to celebrate. I love a good veggie soup that’s easy to make, like this one.

Enjoy the upcoming weekend! I hope to take photos of my bathroom to share next week.

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  1. Love the stone house – and very interested in North Carolina but when I click that link it takes me to the yellow kitchen .

  2. That stone house was a beautiful home. That soup looks so good and I love soup in cooler weather. I have been to N.Carolina it has wonderful old places to visit.

  3. Thank you for sharing the pics as well as the soup recipe. Just a comment about using the article “a” or “an,” since I noticed you used it incorrectly in two of your articles. “A” goes before a word with consonants, “an” goes before a word with a vowel. Examples: a cat, a dog, a house, or, an egg, an orbit, an onion, etc. The exception to the rule is before a silent, unsounded “h.” Because the “h” does not have any phonetic representation or audible sound, the sound that follows the article is a vowel; consequently, “an” is used. Examples: an honor, an honest mistake. In the case of when you used the word, “historic,” the “h” is an audible consonant and should use the article “a,” not “an.” In summary, your title should be “A Historic Stone House . . .,” not “An Historic Stone House . . .” because the “h” in “historic” is audible. There is another exception to the rule, but it does not apply here. I just thought your presentations are so beautifully done and professional, it a shame to have grammatical errors in your titles!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Karen. With the word historic, either the use of a or an is acceptable. Even style guides don’t always agree on proper punctuation and grammar. I prefer to use “an” in front of historic. 🙂