Bonjour, French Macaron!

Do you have a sweet tooth? I sure do! While I normally fall all over anything chocolate, there’s one sweet little morsel that can turn my head anytime and pull me away from the decadent richness of chocolate.

Le French Macaron!

French Macaroon

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I love the delicate crunch of its exterior as your teeth sink into its slightly chewy center.


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And they’re just so dang cute, aren’t they? What’s not to love?


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My favorite French macaron flavors are mocha, hazelnut, and pistachio.


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The best place to buy them locally is All Chocolate Kitchen in Geneva.


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Chef Alain Roby is creative genius at All Chocolate Kitchen, which also offers the best gelato and truffles.
He’s also the creator of the World’s Longest Candy Cane (51 feet), among other things.


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So here’s the deal. I’m on a quest to learn how to make these delicate little morsels.


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Have you ever made them? If yes, what tips can you share?


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I really do want to learn how to make these dainty little cookies.
So I’ll take all the guidance I can get!


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  1. Sigh… was just sipping my coffee and catching up on some blogs. I was convincing myself that I was satisfied with just the coffee as I have not baked since Christmas ( in know right?? Criminal of me). then I saw this. Now I am drooling all over myself here. Sweet tooth?? Oh no.. if I was to be honest, I’d have to say sweet teeth.
    Now I have to go rummage the cupboards and ‘fridge.
    Thanks a lot!!
    Cheers, Gee 🙂

  2. All these macarons are beautiful! I’ve made them twice… the first time it was a total disaster, the second time it was semi-successful, so I am still on a quest to perfect them too!!! Good luck and have fun!

  3. Those are some super sweet pics! They are so much more fun than cupcakes. I’ve heard they are a bit tricky to make but I’d love to give it a try. I hope you will be posting once you get it mastered!


  4. Discovered these in a little shop across the street from the Hotel Bosquet in Paris. We went every afternoon for cafe creme’ and these sweet delights – and brought back at least $200 worth for sharing. I have yet to find a bakery that makes them well, or even imports good ones. Oh well, have to return to Paris!

  5. Yes I share your macaron obsession. I have started making them, and each batch is getting better and better. They are ‘almost’ picture-worthy. For me they represent what is typical of french food – they are as beautiful to look at as they are delicious to eat! On my blog I put a link to the one macaron recipe (of the zillions) online that actually works for me.

  6. Good Evening Jennifer, I would like to help with a recipe for macarons, but I’m afraid I cannot. I do bake, but these dainty little macarons are just too gorgeous for words. I only eat them when I visit France, because if I made them myself, well, what is the saying “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”. I just would not be able to restrain myself!
    I have enjoyed reading your blog, so have become your newest follower.
    Sending you best wishes from England.

  7. Oh, this reminds me so much of my Grandma, she used to make them every year for Christmas!
    I wished she was still around to teach me how to make them.
    I tried once and you could have broke a tooth on them, HiHi..
    Maybe I need to try again?

  8. I’ve never made them but I have a friend who has. I can’t remember if the recipe called for waxed paper of parchment paper to lay the macaroons on. Anyway, whichever it calls for DO NOT use the other! They stuck to it and would not come off.

  9. Oh girl, we are on the same page today. I did a post about French pastries. I love macarons! I use to make them but haven’t for years. Seems like you don’t want to over work the. Now I am wanting to try making them again.
    All of your pics are SA-WEET!

  10. There’s a great post on The Pioneer Woman, when Ree had a professional baker/photographer couple @ her home featuring macaroons! I’ve successfully made them following that recipe.

  11. my tips are ask your daughter who went to pastry school! sift your almond flour 3 times along with the powdered sugar. also have your egg whites at room temp that is very important, and make sure your bowls and utensils are clean as this will help whip up the whites! I can always show you how to make them 🙂 we talked about making them a few times before you figure out a good oven temp and time! mmm i love macarons!

  12. OH my gosh – I am so interested to hear what you’ll learn and (hopefully) share. These cookies really intrigue me! They are EVERYwhere online! I’ve never seen them in stores. I confess… I don’t hang out at bakeries… but would love to find a place to try them around here!