William Morris Wallpaper in Swedish House

Wallpaper, the Grandpa Trend, and Interior Makeovers: Friday Finds #107

What a gorgeous fall season we’re having! My yard is golden with color, especially from the maple tree out front that looks like it’s glowing whether the sun is shining or not. And then there’s the Hosta leaves that have turned the same glorious shade of yellow. Even Tuesday’s rain couldn’t dampen my spirits. I…

A collection of big pumpkins on a front porch - outdoor Halloween decorations

Last Minute Outdoor Halloween Decorations: Calling All Procrastinators

It’s time for true confessions. How many of you are procrastinators? Maybe you don’t wait until the last minute with everything, just those things that don’t really excite you. Such is the case with me and Halloween decorations. Every year I struggle with myself about putting up outdoor Halloween decorations. I mean, isn’t handing out…

Halloween Home Tour

Featuring My Halloween Home Tour for Style Showcase #156

Happy Tuesday, friends! Today’s Style Showcase features Thanksgiving tables, decorating ideas, and my favorite Halloween home tour! Just a reminder – I’ve got a cook book giveaway going on. If you missed it, click here to enter for a chance to win Orchard, filled with recipes from James Rich of Somerset, England. Southern Hospitality |…