Decorating with Black

Decorating with Black

In color psychology, black means power and control. It’s intimidating and secretive all at once. But in my opinion, decorating with black is classic and timeless. It adds an air of sophistication to any space … not at all overpowering when done right. (Click on photos to be taken to original on Houzz.) Dining Room…

Bird Prints with white ironstone makes a pretty spring vignette for your home. Download the free printable to create your own bird prints.
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Bird Prints Vignette with Free Printable

Is it spring yet? We still have a few weeks before welcoming the new season and today I’m participating in a spring printables vignette party that my friend Kristen from Ella Claire coordinated. You can visit all the other ladies in the party (links at end of post) for plenty of spring decorating inspiration. I’m sharing a…