Make Your Own Hanging Globe Terrariums

There’s a store in the next town over. It’s earthy. It’s a little funky. And the fragrance of fresh dirt mixed with a hint of patchouli washes over you as you walk in the door. You find yourself bathed in ethereal comfort … it’s therapeutic, actually. A mix of unique plants, vintage decor, and artwork by local artisans make up the list of wares for sale. My mission during my recent visit was to gather enough supplies to make my own hanging globe terrariums so I wouldn’t have to travel 10 miles every time I want to get my fix of earthy goodness at The Mossy Twig.

Make Your Own Hanging Globe TerrariumsHonestly, I didn’t really know what I was doing when I set out on this project.

All I knew was that I wanted hanging globe terrariums and I wanted to make them myself.


Supplies for globe terrariums The young woman at the store was knowledgeable and helpful in making sure I got the right supplies and knew what to do.

A few small succulents, organic dirt, a little bit of sand and decorative crushed glass, and I was set.


Succulents for hanging globe terrariumsSucculents are so pretty in their simplicity, and they don’t require a lot of water.


Miniature succulents for globe terrariumAren’t these teeny tiny ones adorable? They remind me of the hens and chicks my mother planted in her garden.


Glass globe for making a hanging terrariumYou can find a variety of these globe terrariums. They come in different sizes and some have flat bottoms.

I chose the ones with a hook on the bottom so I could hang several together.


Fill globe terrarium with organic dirt for planting succulentsSince my globes have a hook on the bottom, I placed them in a small bowl to steady them while working.

The first thing you need to do is add a layer of organic dirt … and yes, it pays to get the right kind of soil.


Adding succulents to hanging globe terrariumNext, add your succulents. You may need to knock some of the dirt off the bottom of their roots.


Adding crushed shells to hanging globe terrariumAdd a layer of decorative sand or similar. I used a fine mixture of crushed shells.

To make it easier to spread, I used a funnel which made it easier to get into the tight spots.


Make your own hanging globe terrariumsFinally, I added a few small shells for interest.

I purchased a small bag of decorative shells at Joanne Fabrics.


DIY Hanging Globe Terrariums via Town and Country LivingAll that’s left to do is find a place to hang it!


Make Your Own Globe TerrariumsI made a second hanging globe terrarium and this time used dark, crushed glass atop the soil.


DIY Hanging Globe TerrariumsI find these little succulents fascinating!

It was easier to make these hanging globe terrariums than I thought it would be.


Tillandsia in a hanging globe terrariumSince I had 3 of the hanging globe terrariums, I decided to put a Tillandsia in the last one.

Tillandsia is an air plant that needs little care … but it does need watering!


Tillandsia Air Plant in Hanging GlobeThe tiny flower captivated my heart.

I was sad to find out these precious creations only bloom once in their lifetime.


Flowering Tillandsia at Town and Country LivingYou water these tiny air plants by letting them sit in a sink filled with water.

Read more about caring for Tillandsia air plants if you want to get some of your own.


How to make your own hanging globe terrariumI decided to hang the first hanging globe terrarium from the iron shelf in my dining room.


Hanging globe terrarium via Town and Country LivingIt’s near enough the window to get plenty of light.


DIY Terrarium via Town and Country LivingYou don’t need a hanging globe terrarium to make these.

You could use any vessel you might have in your home.

If you need supplies, you can order them at The Mossy Twig’s online store.

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  1. I ADORE these. I almost decided to start carrying these glass containers in my online shop but wasn’t sure if they would sell or if I was the only one captivated with them. I love the tiny little shells you added and those cute little paper hearts. <3 <3 xxoo

  2. These are lovely, but don’t forget the excitment of watching paper whites bloom that you force inside on some rocks.
    You could have two projects to get you to spring!

  3. Oh my goodness, I love these! You mentioned the hooks on the bottom so you could hang several together…are you going to do that with some of them?

  4. I LOVE the Mossy Twig! I had no idea that I had been reading a blogger I’d been reading and admiring lived just a few towns away. (You can probably guess where I live based on my email address.) So fun to discover the little elements of fun in your day.