What’s My Style?

When I first discovered decorating blogland I was so excited. Looking through blogs was as much fun as thumbing through the pages of Country Living magazine. But now, well, I’m a bit frustrated. I see so many great ideas and creativity out there … I want to do it all. This is creating design style…

DIY Drop Cloth Curtains

Rarely do I purchase pre-made curtains for my home. It’s been this way ever since I’ve been messin’ around with hearth and home. And so recently I went on the hunt for curtain fabric. I seriously considered burlap, but then I saw another blog where drop cloth had been used and changed my mind.   After a quick trip to the paint store…

Veggie Valentines for You!

Join us for Veggie Valentines! During the month of February, my daughter over at Flour N Friends and I will be cookin’ up veggie dishes every Monday … just for YOU! Kale, Butternut Squash, Broccoli, Carrots,Swiss Chard, and who knows what else? We’re celebrating these wonderful super foods by cookin’ up a batch every week and sharing the…

Cocoa Pink Cuplets

Is it a muffin or a cupcake? Looks like a muffin. Tastes like a cupcake without the frosting.  But actually, I like to think of this tasty morsel as the muffin version of chocolate chip cookies. My mother used to make Cocoa Pink Cuplets all the time when we were kids … Back in the…