Random Touches of Spring Decor

Don’t you just love all the spring decor blog posts? You can tell people are just itchin’ to get outside and dirty their fingernail in the rich, warm soil. I started blogging just before Christmas and I remember thinking, “When Christmas is over, what will everyone blog about?” Well, now I’m finding out. Lots of whites and pastels…

Belles Fleurs

Beautiful flowers and quotes to enjoy as you anticipate spring’s arrival … “I hope to someday meet God because I want to thank Him for the flowers.” ~ Robert Brault “I’d rather have roses on my tables than diamonds on my neck.” ~ Emma Goldman “The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places…

Tickled Pink

Anxiously awaiting spring as a fresh blanket of snow is pulled up over the landscape. Fresh flowers tickle the fancy as spring hides for just a bit longer …  More Flower Photos Here Linking To … Fresh Cut Friday at Rose VignetteCowgirl Up! Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound Show Off Saturday at…

Pink Carnations

Just now the lilac is in bloom,All before my little room;And in my flower-beds, I think,Smile the carnation and the pink… ~ Rupert Brooke This post is dedicated to my sister-in-law Karen, who loves carnations. Follow Me to These Parties … Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound…


My Bathing Beauty

Slow but sure, room by room, my house is undergoing a transformation of sorts. Not a full-fledged remodeling assault … just a simple sprucing up. A fresh coat of paint here, a new rug there. Hubby is rolling his eyes thinking, “here we go again.” And so, without further ado … Hubby installed the molding (love him!)….

My Little Valentine Tree

What do you do with a pile of old branches out in the yard and a pile of vintage Valentines in the craft cabinet? Why, make a Valentine Tree, of course!  What’s a Valentine’s vignette without a cute cuddly kitten? Little Puddy loves fresh flowers. Especially Baby’s Breath. It’s always nice to have someone…