Hunting for a Starter Home with My Daughter

Do you remember the excitement of searching for your very first home? Today I’m heading out with my daughter and her hubby to find their dream starter home!

My daughter is a stay-at-home-mom so they’re living on one salary and need to be conservative while house hunting. I collected a batch of small houses – any one of them would be a cute starter home for a young family!

Starter Home with Full Front PorchPhoto by Boyer Architects LLC

A bungalow style home would be a great choice for my daughter and her family. They tend to sell fast in the Chicago area so she’ll need to snag one soon after it comes on the market.

Craftsman Bungalow with Full PorchPhoto by Historical Concepts

You could easily ramp up the curb appeal of this starter home with a bit of landscaping in front.

Cute Starter Home for First Time BuyersPhoto by Natalie Myers

I live about 40 miles west of Chicago, but as you get closer to the city you’ll see more brick homes like this one. Bridget’s not a big fan of brick houses but I try to show her what can be done to make it more attractive – like interesting shrubs and flowers.

Brick City Bungalow with Pretty Landscaping

Some of the houses in our area that were built between 1950 and 1980 have some funky exteriors. Painting brick and siding a single color can unify the look.

Small Dark Gray Ranch HomePhoto by Studio C Architecture & Interiors

Even changing or painting a front door can make a huge improvement. She’ll likely need to make some changes once they move in.

Small Stone CottagePhoto by The Decor Fix

Bridget likes houses that are quaint with unique features. Her decorating style leans toward boho chic. I told her once she buys a house she needs to let me blog about it – especially since she wants my help in decorating it.

Small Rustic Starter HomePhoto by MICHAEL MCDONOUGH ARCHITECT PA

You don’t see many rustic small houses like this one in our area, but I thought it was cute. 

Rustic Tiny House in the WoodsPhoto by Wellborn + Wright

So today we’ll be out in the Chicago ‘burbs with a realtor looking for my daughter’s first starter home. Wish us luck and I’ll keep you posted!

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  1. Love the natural shingled home surrounded by ferns, it is so cottagey, almost whimsical. What a cute little balcony overlooking the woods! ….and no lawn to mow. Precious.

  2. How fun! Let the memories begin as Bridget hunts for her first home! I sure hope you include us in on every bit of this exciting journey!!! Happy hunting and congratulations!!!

  3. What fun! Wishing you good luck on this adventure. My daughter and I are having a similar experience. She is building a home across the way from us on a couple of acres we sold to her. She has asked for my help also. I love the building/decorating process and she does not. 😆 We’re having lots of fun.

  4. I remember going through the hunt for my first home in NC. Unfortunately I can’t afford anything but a condo in Denver. Looking forward to seeing what she picks and how you two decorate it!

  5. I sure do remember pursuing our first home…….realtors gave up on hubby and me because we were ‘particular’ and why not? This is our first home and had planned to live in it forever……well 15 years and then moved three miles away and had one built (tore down house and built 2 story brick colonial). Nevertheless, stick to what you want and truly negotiate. Look forward to the future stories. Good luck!!

  6. As a Realtor, I’d strongly advise staying away from overhead power lines, especially in the front. You can’t get rid of them. You can’t decorate them. You can’t plant trees to screen them or vines to hide them. You’re stuck w/them!

    1. Great advice mom also add plenty of natural light throughout house. Great for re-sale value. Good luck in your serge.

  7. I’m sure with you helping them, whatever they choose will end up being just as lovely (in your daughter’s own way) as is your own home. Good luck with the search.

  8. How exciting for y’all!! I know that the Lord will open the right doors for this precious family. So cool that she wants you to co-decorate 😇

  9. Well, know i’m late but,hope you had some luck. Sometimes it can be discouraging but the right one will happen.

  10. That’s so exciting, and I love all these houses….except the brick one, ha ha!! I’m not a fan, but that’s because I grew up in the city where all we saw day in and day out were brick houses. My daughter is in the process of buying her first house too, it’s such a scary and exciting time for them!! Good luck to them both!

  11. Exciting! There are so many decisions to be made while house hunting. Your daughter is lucky to have you there with her and her husband. Hope it was a successful hunt!

  12. Exciting! There are so many decisions to be made while house hunting. Your daughter is lucky to have you there with her and her husband. Hope it was a successful hunt!

  13. These are very beautiful and charming homes with lots of character and detail, I love them! Maybe it’s the fact that this post is four years old, or maybe I live in an area where cost of living is high, but in Denver these historic homes would go for $800k and up…not exactly a starter home here!